Provides detailed strategies for child welfare professionals to plan a successful transition for children who are on the verge of “aging out” of the foster care system. The strategies focus on seven interconnected domains of life: (1) formation of cultural and personal identity, (2) development of community connections and supportive relationships, (3) maintaining physical and mental health, (4) attaining life skills such as positive visioning and effective parenting techniques, (5) continued access to education, (6) confidence in finding employment, and (7) the ability to secure safe and affordable housing. Each domain includes detailed programs and tasks to help the client attain independence. Additionally, tools to measure the outcome and effectiveness of programs are included. A discussion of the current and future national policies that support these efforts provides background information. CONTENTS Acknowledgements Foreword Introduction Principles Underlying the Framework Population Issues Meeting the Needs of Youth in Transition Policy Background Future Policy Steps Practice Domains Cultural and Personal Identity Formation Community Connections and Supportive Relationships Physical and Mental Health Life Skills Education Employment Housing Practice Outcomes and Measures System Coordination Conclusion Glossary Appendices