Overall, the report reveals that while ICE collects valuable biographic, immigration, and detention information on detainees, information that would allow ICE agents to make informed decisions on custody, release, eligibility for alternative-to-detention programs, and adherence to its standards was not always available. The report recommends improvements in ICE’s database and case management systems which would: provide agents with information necessary to determine whether a detainee constitutes a risk and why, meets the criteria for release parole, may have a claim to U.S. citizenship, has special medical or humanitarian issues, has complied with the government’s attempts to deport him, has been treated in compliance with ICE’s national standards; consolidate all relevant information into a centralized system and eliminate duplicate tracking systems; implement consistent and timely data entry procedures; and allow for accurate screening of detainees’ eligibility for cost-saving alternative-to-detention programs. (Description from Source)