Trafficking in persons or human trafficking,1a recognized human rights violation prohibited by international law, affects all countries and regions of the world. As a national and international, often organized crime, it knows no boundaries???geographic, cultural, political, or religious. Its victims and perpetrators hail from all around the world,and its flows reach from and to some of the most far-flung corners of the planet. It manifests itself as exploitation in different forms and types across countries, but no region is immune. In this global phenomenon, Muslim countries2areno exception all are affected by this crime.Trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, as well as for labor exploitation in the domestic service industry and in agriculture and construction, affect Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Trafficking of children and women for sexual and labor exploitation like wise occurs in African countries both within and across national borders. In South and Southeast Asia, trafficking in men, women and children for similar purposes, which may also include trafficking for the purpose of begging and child sex tourism, are prevalent. (Description from Source)