According to the data by Siberian District Federal AIDS Center, Irkutsk City and Irkutsk Region take the 1st place with the number of new case of HIV-infection in Siberian Region. With its prevalence rate in HIV Irkutsk Region is in the first five regions in Russia. The problem of HIV-infection stopped being exclusively a medical- type problem long ago. It became a problem for each person. Therefore, in its activities the Red Cross tries to follow the principle of complex approach; to provide services to people touched by the epidemic and to conduct prevention activities for the healthy public. Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross has Implemented this project within the frames of which formal and informal caregivers, including medical workers and family members of PLWH, increase their level of knowledge; improve communication skills and skills of working with people living with HIV(PLWH). These activities positively influence quality of their lives. This project is based on four leading principles: involvement of the people of the community, greater involvement of all interested parties, strengthening and widening partnership links, documenting best practices and lessons learned.