Every year a million children on our vulnerable planet are exploited for sexual and pornographic purposes, bartered or sold like slaves to meet the unflagging demand of those predators of the innocent, the paedophiles, playing an ever growing part in the vast world of sexual tourism. In fact, the data on this grim phenomenon show it spreading ever wider, with increasingly disquieting future prospects and an appalling escalation in blood-chilling episodes. In this volume the author delineates the historical-sociological-juridical scenario of the phenomenon in its millenary perspectives: from abnormal practices to repeated abuse in course of the centuries, from incest to analysis of deviance, and from pornography to the Internet and current legislation. The author does not set out to demonize the people guilty of this offense, but stresses rather the urgent need to recover the genuine values of civilization, with the prevention of paedophilia ideally based on clear ethical and scientific criteria.