Outlines the procedures of the Save the Children Alliance and the Separated Children in Europe Programme (SCEP) on returning separated children seeking asylum to their families. The SCEP and Save the Children focus on the child’s best interest in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Upon arrival in the host country, a child must be assigned an independent guardian and family tracing pursued. A child may not be returned in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights or unless adequate reception care is available. The decision to return a child seeking asylum involves seven evaluation areas: (1) safety; (2) family reunification; (3) the child’s view, and the potential for voluntary return if the child is of the age and maturity to request this option; (4) the legal guardian/caregiver’s opinion; (5) the socio-economic condition in the country of origin; (6) the child’s level of integration in the host country; and (7) the age/maturity of the child. Two special programs need to be designed: to address the needs of vulnerable young adults, who turn 18 after asylum, since they may not possess the skills needed to integrate into a new culture, and to create reintegration programs to help children return to their homeland.