Examines the prevalence rates, perpetrator profiles, and impact of child sexual abuse, as defined as occurrences under the age of 15, in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. Survey questions gathered data on forced intercourse and non-penetrative sexual abuse. Analysis using bivariate and multivariate tests on the data analysis tool, STATA version 8SE, determined results showing that child sexual abuse prevalence in Honduras is at 7.8 percent, in El Salvador at 6.4 percent, and in Guatemala at 4.7 percent. Overwhelming majorities of women in all three countries report first abuse incidents occurring before age 11. Most perpetrators are known to the victim and come from family members, neighbors, or acquaintances. Women from Guatemala and Honduras were two times more likely to be involved in violent adult relationships as women who did not experience child abuse. Since child sexual abuse occurs in 5 percent to 8 percent of the population in these countries, prevention and treatment programsare critical.