Short video (runtime 4:51) spotlights the population of Burundian refugees who are gradually relocating from present-day camps in Tanzania to permanent homes in the United States. They fled from the violence and persecution related to Burundi’s 1972 civil war but suffered further repression and violence in Tanzania. Some returned to Burundi, but most expect to find no home in either country. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determined that the United States, as a third country, would be the safest choice for relocation, and working with the U.S. State Department, tries to meet the logistical challenges of building and maintaining brick housing in camps to shelter refugees while educating them on life in the United States, giving them medical examinations, and clearing them through U.S. security. Refugees look forward to better lives in the United States and receive aid from U.S. nonprofit groups as they transition to American life.