Compiles the presentations and resources from the Second National Forum of the Migration and Child Welfare National Network (MCWNN), held in April 2008 to discuss the issues surrounding child welfare and immigration law, policy, and advocacy. Day One of the forum focused on Preparing to Meet the Needs: Skills Building Sessions and Intensive Seminars. The agenda included an introductory session and three workshops: (1) the impact of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), (2) interagency cooperation techniques, and (3) advanced legal issues surrounding immigration and child welfare law. Presenters included the Bridging Refugee Youth and Children’s Services (BRYCS), the Office of Refugee Services, the Mexican Consulate, the American Bar Association, Northwestern Law School, International Social Services: USA, and Child and Family Services staff from Chicago and Los Angeles. Day Two offered roundtable discussions and panel sessions on: family engagement and permanency planning, immigrant children in the welfare system, and the future federal policy landscape and state child welfare law changes. Day three discussions revolved around an Urban Institute report on the safety and well-being of immigrant children after witnessing workplace raids. Finally, a case study, using the Socratic dialogue method, demonstrated the complex ethical, legal, and child welfare issues surrounding an immigrant child.