An act to provide for an alternative penalty procedure for States that fail to meet Federal child support data processing requirements, to reform Federal incentive payments for effective child support performance, to provide for a more flexible penalty procedure for States that violate interjurisdictional adoption requirements, and for other purposes. CONTENTS Sec. 1. Short title. Sec. 2. Table of contents. TITLE I: CHILD SUPPORT DATA PROCESSING REQUIREMENTS Sec. 101. Alternative penalty procedure. Sec. 102. Authority to waive single statewide automated data processing and information retrieval system requirement. TITLE II: CHILD SUPPORT INCENTIVE SYSTEM Sec. 201. Incentive payments to States. TITLE III: ADOPTION PROVISIONS Sec. 301. More flexible penalty procedure to be applied for failing to permit interjurisdictional adoption. TITLE IV: MISCELLANEOUS Sec. 401. Elimination of barriers to the effective establishment and enforcement of medical child support. Sec. 402. Safeguard of new employee information. Sec. 403. Limitations on use of TANF funds for matching under certain Federal transportation program. Sec. 404. Clarification of meaning of high-volume automated administrative enforcement of child support in interstate cases. Sec. 405. General Accounting Office reports. Sec. 406. Data matching by multistate financial institutions. Sec. 407. Elimination of unnecessary data reporting. Sec. 408. Clarification of eligibility under welfare-to-work programs. Sec. 409. Study of feasibility of implementing immigration provisions of H.R. 3130, as passed by the House of Representatives on March 5, 1998. Sec. 410. Technical corrections.