An act to promote the adoption of children in foster care. CONTENTS Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. TITLE I: REASONABLE EFFORTS AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR FOSTER CARE AND ADOPTION PLACEMENTS Sec. 101. Clarification of the reasonable efforts requirement. Sec. 102. Including safety in case plan and case review system requirements. Sec. 103. States required to initiate or join proceedings to terminate parental rights for certain children in foster care. Sec. 104. Notice of reviews and hearings; opportunity to be heard. Sec. 105. Use of the Federal Parent Locator Service for child welfare services. Sec. 106. Criminal records checks for prospective foster and adoptive parents. Sec. 107. Documentation of efforts for adoption or location of a permanent home. TITLE II: INCENTIVES FOR PROVIDING PERMANENT FAMILIES FOR CHILDREN Sec. 201. Adoption incentive payments. Sec. 202. Adoptions across State and county jurisdictions. Sec. 203. Performance of States in protecting children. TITLE III: ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS AND REFORMS Sec. 301. Authority to approve more child protection demonstration projects. Sec. 302. Permanency hearings. Sec. 303. Kinship care. Sec. 304. Clarification of eligible population for independent living services. Sec. 305. Reauthorization and expansion of family preservation and support services. Sec. 306. Health insurance coverage for children with special needs. Sec. 307. Continuation of eligibility for adoption assistance payments on behalf of children with special needs whose initial adoption has been dissolved. Sec. 308. State standards to ensure quality services for children in foster care. TITLE IV: MISCELLANEOUS Sec. 401. Preservation of reasonable parenting. Sec. 402. Reporting requirements. Sec. 403. Sense of Congress regarding standby guardianship. Sec. 404. Temporary adjustment of Contingency Fund for State Welfare Programs. Sec. 405. Coordination of substance abuse and child protection services. Sec. 406. Purchase of American-made equipment and products. TITLE V: EFFECTIVE DATE Sec. 501. Effective date.