“1. Voices once again its indignation at the daily suffering to which thousands of men and women are exposed on political or religious grounds in a series of countries; 2. Calls for the European Parliament to be consulted, pursuant to Article K.6, before the Council adopts decisions on the basis of the EU Treaty; 3. Calls in general for documents and decisions on the Council to be public in future and, in particular, seeks an end to the closed nature of the activities of the K.4 Committee, the working parties reporting to that Committee and the CIREA and CIREFI coordinating centres; calls likewise for Parliament to be regularly updated on the work being done in this area and for due account to be taken of Parliament’s views; 4. Takes the view that this resolution and other Council decisions of a general effect in the field of asylum policy are not entirely binding, because they are pseudo-legislation and quite wrongly removed from parliamentary scrutiny and checks by the Court, and hence unacceptable as forms of Union legislation; 5. Calls on the Council to make asylum policy (Article K.1(1) of the Treaty on European Union) a matter of Community competence and to harmonize it in strict compliance with the principles of the Geneva Convention on Refugee Status in order to avoid the problems outlined above; 6. Calls, in so far as communitization of asylum policy is not feasible in the short term, for the introduction of comprehensive European rules on the right of asylum and the granting of protection to political refugees in strict compliance with the principles of the Geneva Convention on Refugees, in a legal act which is binding in international law;” – Publisher’s description