Assists immigrant youth to acclimate to the commonplace events of life in modern Vancouver, Canada such as education, transportation, and employment. Immigrant teens recount how they were overwhelmed by the experiences of a first day in school, trying to catch a bus, learning slang, and grocery shopping. Using easy-to-read instructions and pictures to explain the Vancouver bus system, fares, route maps, and payment methods are described. Procedures on registering for school and maps with locations of school and adult education centers are provided as well as the names and phone numbers of Multicultural Liaison Workers who assist in this process. Youth learn about the library system and recreational and social networking “buddy” programs at recreation centers. Youth program information and locations direct immigrant youth into healthy and informative group settings where shared culture or hobbies can ease the anxiety of the migration process. Employment tips such as applying for a social identification number, wage rates, and training programs help young adults begin to earn money. A glossary of terms helps to “translate” the slang of daily life for newcomers. (IP)