This is the The Refugee Children’s Consortium’s detailed response to the Government’s proposals to reform the asylum process as set out in the White Paper Secure Borders, Safe Haven. Comments focus on the proposals set out in Chapter 4 of the White Paper. The consortium states that “…as reform of the asylum process is driven forward, the Refugee Children’s Consortium urges the Government to carefully consider the potential impact of new measures on refugee children of all ages. Refugee children are children first and foremost and their rights and needs require special and separate attention.” They further argue that “The asylum process must not in any way compromise or militate against the proper care and development of children. In particular, children who have had experiences of torture, political violence and other forms of persecution, have specific developmental and mental health needs that must be fully catered for in all aspects of the asylum process and support arrangements.” They state that they support the Government’s broader agenda of tackling poverty and promoting social inclusion and cohesion – and believe that “those who oppose the social exclusion of children must also oppose the social exclusion of refugee children.” The report offers detailed sections on suggestions and concerns in the areas of inspection and regulation, a child-centered system, resettlement, induction centers, application registration cards, accommodation centers, dispersal, reporting and audit, phasing out voucher support, unaccompanied asylum seeking children, family reunification and reunion, detention and removal, and integration.