Address the international trafficking of children to New York City for sexual purposes. As no data was found specifically on boys, this information refers to girls. This report does not focus on conditions in other countries that make trafficking of children to the U.S. possible and desirable. The main goal of the report is to describe the virtually unknown problem of trafficking of children to the U.S. for sexual purposes, countries from which they are trafficked, and the services these children need, with particular focus on New York City. Since there has been no research and analysis on human trafficking in general in New York City, this report includes information on both adult women and girls trafficked for sexual purposes. The recommendations are therefore divided into two sections: 1) how to fight human trafficking in general in the New York metropolitan area and 2) how to meet the service needs of trafficked children in New York City and around the country. This report lays the foundation for doing in-depth case studies of trafficked children. It provides background for a future study on what needs to be done to combat trafficking of children at the national level. The report should be supplemented with studies on other forms of trafficking, including trafficking for domestic and other forms of labor, adoption, organ trafficking, and trafficking in men and boys. Only by understanding trafficking and related phenomena in all forms can we fully respond with appropriate ways to end human trafficking. This report is therefore meant for service providers, policy makers, advocacy groups and others in New York and elsewhere looking to gain insight into the phenomena and find ideas for action.