This is the story about a woman who went from a career in child trafficking to championing women’s rights. She accomplished this by empowering women and girls in her community through the efforts of the USAID-funded Community Action for Girls’ Education (CAGE) project. In 2001, USAID/Benin awarded World Learning, a US Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), a grant of $2,333,749 for a four-year period to promote girls’ education in 91 targeted communities in the communes of Bopa, Aplahoue, Ouinhi, Zagnanado, Banikoara, Karimama, Kerou and Boukoumbe. Tokpo??, one of the six villages of the Bopa commune in southern Benin located at about 95 kilometers from Cotonou, Benin’s largest city, is one of those communities.