Outlines the three components of state-based home visitation programs designed to combat child abuse and foster positive parent-child relationships. First, effective programs must secure a funding that supports a quality program. State programs tap federal grants such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Title V Maternal and Child Health block grants, and Medicaid in addition to state funds and private benefactors. Paradoxically, states report that increased funding can compromise program quality since the timeline to hire, train, and evaluate personnel must be shortened. Second, programs must demonstrate the proven outcomes of their model and its implementation. Collecting data from random control trials proved expensive and unreliable. Evaluation criteria using enrollment and retention data provided alternatives that proved beneficial. Third, new programs must retain the same quality standards as the original program. Strategies include the use of self-assessment tools, site visits, mandatory reviews, and constant oversight through unified data systems.