Refugee parents need support in maintaining strong relationships with their children and in preventing problems that can limit their children’s success in a new country. To aid refugee serving agencies in helping parents, BRYCS has created Raising Children in a New Country: A Toolkit for Working with Refugee Parents. The Toolkit includes: – An overview of research and good practice in parent education programs for refugees – Detailed information about free and fee-based parent support and education resources for refugee-serving agencies, including free access to certain curricula, handouts in different languages and reports – Program development guidance, including fundraising resources and evaluation tools. This Parenting Toolkit is ideal for mutual assistance associations (MAAs), refugee resettlement agencies, and other organizations providing parent support and education programs for refugees and newcomers. BRYCS’ goals in developing this parenting toolkit have been twofold: (1) To summarize the “state of the field” in parent support and education with refugee families, and (2) To gather concrete parenting resources, appropriate for use with refugee families, in an easily-accessible format for refugee-serving agencies. This BRYCS resource is designed to make it easier and feasible for refugee-serving agencies to establish effective parent support programs.