The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has developed a special initiative to support and strengthen the roles of fathers in families. This initiative is guided by the following principles: – All fathers can be important contributors to the well-being of their children. – Parents are partners in raising their children, even when they do not live in the same household. – The roles fathers play in families are diverse and related to cultural and community norms. – Men should receive the education and support necessary to prepare them for the responsibility of parenthood. – Government can encourage and promote father involvement through its programs and through its own workforce policies. The Department’s activities account for those circumstances under which increased involvement by a father or a mother may not be in the best interest of the child. This is true for a small number of children, however. The Department strongly supports family preservation and reunification efforts when they do not risk the safety of the child. CONTENTS Responsible Fatherhood Management Information System Funding and Program Development Related Web Sites