“Low-income families dealing with a multiplicity of needs are often unable to address the most deep-seated needs if the adults present are struggling with how to make ends meet. Families can access a wide range of economic benefits and other supports to help fill the gaps but knowing of and accessing them is a challenge. One critical way human service organizations can strengthen families is by helping them access income-support benefit programs. Income supports include federal public benefits programs such as food stamps, Medicaid, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, Child Care and Development Fund, and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), to name but a few. Yet millions of eligible families forego these important benefits every year for a variety of reasons – many are completely unaware that they even qualify for benefits. Technology has been an increasingly powerful tool for overcoming this challenge of improving benefits outreach and access. The nonprofit sector has played a key role in developing and applying automated systems and tools in their work to strengthen families by efficiently connecting them to the services, supports and benefits they need to lift themselves out of poverty and build assets. This brief looks at the impact of automated systems on benefits access, examines effective models and suggests strategies and recommendations for harnessing these tools for public benefit.” – Publisher’s description CONTENTS Introduction Income supports and public benefits matter! Barriers faced by individuals eligible to receive benefits Barriers for service providers Automated Systems: Changing the way people get access to public benefits Effective models Policy Recommendations for Federal, State and Local Governments Recommendations for Service Providers Resources References