“In this brief, the FSPC examined the extent to which youth serving programs promote a central concept in family strengthening practice: involving parents as decision-makers in how their communities meet their families’ needs. We looked for evidence of family engagement strategies, ranging from informing parents about program goals and opportunities to be involved to promoting parent leadership roles within organizations. The case studies presented in this brief illustrate promising practices for strengthening families and demonstrate the range of opportunities for engaging families as partners in youth development work. Our overall findings suggest that national organizations and initiatives serving youth are engaged in a broad spectrum of strategies to empower parents as partners in their work. These strategies are evident in the organizational philosophies and missions, program activities, staffing and training policies, outreach and recruitment strategies and other areas. Yet it is unclear whether active parent and family involvement is an integral part of most youth programs. Great potential still exists for organizations to harness the assets of parents to share in the overall decision-making process and serve in advisory and leadership roles within youth serving organizations.” – Publisher’s description CONTENTS Introduction Why is Family Engagement Important for In-School & Out-of-School time? What does family strengthening in youth development look like? Case Studies Recommendations: How can we strengthen families through youth development programs & initiatives? Resources References Toolbox: Organizational strategies for promoting family engagement Q & A: Kathy Hermes, Camp Fire, Community Family Clubs