“Building a nurturing and supportive environment in which healthy families can pursue long term goals is critical for family success over time. Essential components for that success include access to affordable housing, strong neighborhood institutions, safe streets, supportive social networks, and an environment that promotes community and strengthens bonds between families. Strong neighborhoods offer a web of vital resources and opportunities such as formal and informal social networks, employers and public services. By making these networks, economic opportunities and services more accessible to families, neighborhoods thrive and families have the supports they need to succeed. The Family Strengthening Policy Center (FSPC) asserts that families are strong when they are supported by safe and thriving neighborhoods and that building socially, economically and environmentally vibrant communities is a key to reducing crime and enabling children and families to feel safe at home, at school, and in public. With that as context, FSPC examines community led violence prevention initiatives which seek to engage diverse community stakeholders. Programs are highlighted that seek to define community assets as well as their challenges; root causes of violence and prevention strategies.” – Publisher’s description CONTENTS Introduction Violence Prevention: Definition Violence in America Community Engagement Violence Prevention: Planning and Process Q & A with Heather Dade, Institute for Community Peace Practices from the field Lessons learned: Recommendations for action Resources References