Explores the unique physical, social, and mental health needs of refugee children, particularly those who escape war or other forms of violence, and proposes effective and timely interventions to assist this vulnerable population. The three objectives of the book are: (1) the presentation of theory, research, and services that define the effects of the migration experience on children; (2) to increase the understanding of child refugees; and, (3) to suggest delivery of services and to describe model strategies for programming. Part I, Theoretical Overviews, discusses common stressors facing refugees, including trauma, loss, and deprivation. Also, the process of “acculturation,” or resettlement, is examined with particular emphasis on how specific native cultures buffer, or appear to neglect, children during this transition period. Part II, Research Studies, presents three case studies, two on the Indochinese refugees and one on Central American youth. Each case study discusses the impact of massive trauma and exposure to violence on academic and intellectual achievement, anti-social behavior patterns, post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, and economic adjustment. Part III, Service and Treatment Issues, outlines common types of psychopathology among refugee children and offers several model treatment programs. Primary prevention programs aimed at refugee children are nearly non-existent. Suggestions are provided to develop these programs in order to identify and address potential behavior problems. (IP-CW)