“The goal of this project was to advance the ability of health care organizations to recognize and assess cultural competence in order to inform their decisions about maintaining and improving the management and delivery of health care services to their communities. Included in the project’s interim report, Measuring Cultural Competence in Health Care Delivery Settings: A Review of the Literature, is a listing of assessment tools and evaluative models that document previous and current attempts at assessing cultural competence. The Cultural Competence Assessment Profile presented in this final report contributes to the assessment field by offering a tangible and targeted approach for conducting organizational assessments and serves as another step in the development of viable assessment tools. Additional work is needed to take the Profile to the next level. This would include further refinement of the performance areas/domains and indicators, definition and validation of performance measures, identification or development of data sources and data collection instruments, and field testing the Profile. Feedback from the Technical Expert Panel, key informants, and the health care delivery sites indicates that the Profile provides a solid foundation for further development. The feedback also suggests that the Assessment Profile can be useful even in its current form as an organizing framework, a “readiness” tool, and a guide to an organization’s own development of indicators and measures of cultural competence.” – Publisher’s description CONTENTS I. ASSESSING CULTURAL COMPETENCE A. About the Project B. About the Organizational Cultural Competence Assessment Profile II. KNOWING CULTURAL COMPETENCE WHEN WE SEE IT: COMPONENTS OF THE PROFILE A. Domains and Focus Areas: Where to Look for Evidence of Cultural Competence B. Indicators by Type: Specific Evidence to be Used in Assessing Cultural Competence III. KNOWING CULTURAL COMPETENCE WHEN WE SEE IT: THE ASSESSMENT PROFILE IV. OBSERVATIONS AND CONCLUSION A. Key Observations B. Conclusion