“Many NGOs work for children and communities in war situations. In recent years growing attention has been paid to answering not only basic needs – shelter, food, water, medical care – but also to increasing the mental and psychological health of the child. The assumption is that the trauma children experience in such situations can significantly affect their psychological and physical growth. It is in this context that the Kitgum District Psycho Social Support Program (PSSP) was initiated in Northern Uganda in 1997 in response to the needs of people who had fled their homes after brutal attacks by Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels. The pilot project in two sub counties was expanded to cover the whole district under a tripartite agreement between Kitgum District, UNICEF, and AVSI. Funding was provided by UNICEF, USAID (United States Agency for International Development) and AVSI, which the latter by offering technical and logistic support. The district operated the program through the Community Development Office (CDO). Since 1999, USAID (United States Agency for International Development) provided additional funding for PSSP, implemented by AVSI. Other agencies carrying out similar activities in the district are World Vision, International Rescue Committee (IRC), the Churches, Kitgum Concerned Women’s Association (KICWA), Gulu Support the Children Organisation (GUSCO), Concerned Parents Association, and others. PSSP is designed to help everyone in Kitgum and Pader District benefit from the program. It is aimed at helping people deal with past traumas so that they can move ahead in a productive and peaceful manner. Training to build capacity for different stakeholders is one of the major components of PSSP’s community-based holistic approach. This Training Manual for Teachers is written to accompany the Handbook for Teachers. The goal of the teacher training is not to train “special teachers” but rather to enhance the effectiveness of those identified by the school, by showing a different perspective or approach to what they are already doing in order to benefit the children. The material in the Handbook is a summary of the teacher training provided as part of the Kitgum District PSSP in Uganda. This Manual offers direction and information for facilitators who want to work with teachers using the material in the Handbook.” – Publisher’s description