Summarizes the final report on the San Francisco Beacon Initiative (SFBI), which oversees after-school educational and other enrichment activities in youth centers. Data gathered on 112 activities in 5 Beacon centers revealed that: (1) the centers were well supported, staffed, and implemented; (2) the centers recruited many young people, including those who were academically needy or at risk youth; (3) attendance was comparable to other after-school programs; (4) a number of staff practices contributed to the positive experiences reported by youth; (5) youth who participated regularly showed increased levels of adult support and leadership experiences; and (6) participation in the centers appeared to have a positive influence on young people’s feelings of competence and self-efficacy. Nevertheless, Beacon children did not fare better academically than did their non-Beacon peers. In order to improve academic achievement, after-school programs will need to focus more on academic study than was typically seen in the SFBI.