This guide, Part 2 of a 6-volume guide, is designed to assist program managers in maintaining comprehensive family-support programs through creative funding. It stresses building a portfolio of resources to serve the families within the communities. It also examines the general principles of financing strategy, potential funding sources, tips on finding and maintaining funding sources, program marketing, and public relations. Three basic themes are presented. The first concerns community-based resources, i.e., it takes a village to raise a child and the commitment of that community to attract other funding sources and to make family support and education an integral, long-term strategy for addressing community needs and concerns. The second entails building block funding, which is the process of moving from one funding source to a diverse portfolio of sources by using the first source to attract others. It also deals with building a sustainable funding structure that involves moving away from short-term sources, like demonstration grants, toward longer-term sources, such as tax levies. The final theme deals with creativity or the need to use ingenuity and innovation to sustain the program’s funding structure. Six case studies are provided that show what lessons were learned concerning their fundraising efforts. A resource list concludes the report. (Contains 34 references.) (GLR)