“Discussions by the New Jersey Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect regarding the importance of preventing child abuse and the need for more prevention programs in the child welfare system led to the creation of an ad hoc Prevention Program Standards Working Group. The Task Force was interested in advocating for the support and expansion of sound prevention programs in New Jersey. However, there seemed to be a lack of understanding as to what constitutes effective prevention programs. Thus, the Prevention Subcommittee of the Task Force formed a Prevention Program Standards Working Group charged with defining standards for programs intended to prevent child maltreatment. The members of the Task Force, Prevention Subcommitte, and Standards Working Group are noted in the appendices. The Standards Working Group reviewed the literature on effective prevention programs from multiple fields including child welfare, public health, juvenile justice, substance abuse, and mental health. Articles and books on this subject included theoretical information, research findings, and discussions of characteristics of effective programs. In order to provide a broad overview of standards rather than a critique of model programs, the working group organized the information under three headings: conceptual standards, practice standards, and administrative standards. This approach was used to provide the reader of this report with information that could be used to evaluate a variety of programs serving diverse populations. Since research and reports exist on specific program models, the working group encourages the reader to obtain additional information if he or she is interested in a particular program model. Writings on the evaluation of specific program models are included in the bibliography. The full Task Force has reviewed and endorsed this report from the Standards Working Group.” – Publisher’s description This publication includes a checklist that was designed to help guide the development of effective, family supportive prevention programs. The checklist is based upon conceptual, practical and administrative child abuse and prevention standards that are introduced in Standards for Prevention Programs: Building Success through Family Support.” – Publisher’s description CONTENTS Preface Introduction Part One: Defining Prevention Part Two: Standards for Prevention Programs Part Three: Other Characteristics of Programs Part Four: Conclusion Bibliography Appendix 1: Strengthening America’s Families Program Matrix Appendix 2: New Jersey Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect Members Appendix 3: Prevention Subcommittee Members Appendix 4: Prevention Program Standards Working Group Members Appendix 5: Standards for Prevention Programs: Abridged Overview Appendix 6: Reaching Your Goals: A Guide for Using the Standards for Prevention Programs