Guides Somali Bantu refugees newly arrived in the United States in the process of preparing for and securing employment. This 20-minute video, presented in both English and Af-Maay translations, provides basic employment orientation and, through the real-life stories of 6 Somali Bantu refugees, proves that even newcomers who were illiterate and unskilled can find jobs in the U.S. New arrivals and participants in job readiness and cultural orientation classes get information about: (1) individual employment planning, including English-language acquisition and career guidance; (2) job readiness training, including job applications and interviews as well as sources of potential jobs and tips for successful interviewing; (3) vocational training that focuses on the skills required for specific jobs; (4) workplace expectations, including regular attendance, punctuality, and personal hygiene; (5) support services, including child care and transportation options; (6) benefits, including religious accommodation, health insurance, and leave time; and (7) personal considerations such as money management and job growth. The Somali Bantu in this video offer their stories to encourage newer arrivals. By working hard and staying motivated, new arrivals can succeed in their own journeys to find employment in the U.S.