Presents general information about the school system in the United States for newcomers to the U.S. Parents and guardians of immigrant or refugee children can peruse a question-and-answer format to learn about: (1) the organization and types of schools in the U.S., including the relationship between school districts and school boards as well as alternative schooling for children who do not finish high school; (2) procedures for enrolling children in school, including required medical forms and examinations; (3) the school calendar and school day; (4) transportation options; (5) school procedures, including policies regarding illness, absence, and fees for activities such as field trips; (6) the roles of administrators, teachers, and support staff; (7) instructional programs, including English as a second language (ESL) and bilingual classes, basic curricula for elementary, middle, and high school, and special-needs programs; (8) parents’ roles in their children’s education and learning, including participating in parent-teacher conferences, parent workshops, family learning activities, and volunteer programs as well as engaging children in discussion about and helping them with their homework; and (9) adult education, including English and literacy classes. Parents and guardians who understand how the U.S. school system works are better able to help their children succeed. For translations, please click on the second link and then on “Communication with Families”.