“High-quality programs stress not only core skills–reading, writing, and math–but also problem solving, communication, teamwork, perseverance, and conflict resolution. Sometimes the learning may be simple but have lifelong benefits–like learning to shake hands and look people in the eye. Key to this integration is planning and strong relationships between the after-school program management and the teachers and staff working with students between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. This guide looks at comprehensive program planning in 16 different areas or characteristics: – Coordination With the Regular School Day Learning Program and Community Partners – Community Partnerships – Recreational Programming – Focus on At-Risk Students – Climate for Inclusion – Culturally Sensitive Climate – Facilities Management – Funding – Safe and Healthy Environment – Leadership and Governance – Engaging the Public – Parent Involvement – Evaluation Design – Linkages Between After-School, Regular School, and Community Partner Personnel – Volunteers – Staffing, Staff Qualifications, and Training” – Publisher’s description