This paper highlights the experiences of several citywide after school initiatives from the Cross-Cities Network, describing activities and strategies that contributed to building operational and sustainable citywide delivery of out-of-school time programs. The paper presents evidence of success and notes lessons learned, identifying key elements for building high quality citywide initiatives and exploring the processes taken to get there. The eight initiatives profiled were chosen because they represent diverse approaches to organizing citywide after school initiatives. Each program has a different history and differs widely on structure, governance, mission, goals, strategies, scope of service, roles, functions, and funding. Information about each initiative was obtained through network meetings, site visits, surveys, phone calls, interviews, and publications. The initiatives are: Denver Public Schools, Department of Community Education, Denver, Colorado; the After- School Corporation, San Diego, California; San Diego “6 to 6,” San Diego, CA; Boston 2:00-6:00 After-School Initiative, Boston, Massachusetts; St. Louis Public Schools, Community Education Initiative, St. Louis, Missouri; San Francisco Beacon Centers, San Francisco, California; Beyond the Bell, Los Angeles, California; and Project Lift-Off, Seattle, Washington. Three appendices present an overview of the Cross-Cities Network, elements for building Citywide Afterschool Initiatives, and data table of Cross-Cities Network Initiatives. (SM)