This report by the National Institute on Out-of- School Time (NIOST) in association with The Forum for Youth (FYI) investigates how after-school programs in Boston can most effectively promote positive youth development as a support to academic achievement. The positive youth development approach addresses the broader developmental needs of youth, in contrast to deficit-based models which focus solely on youth problems. The report explores how, by using this approach, quality after-school programs can incorporate the supports and opportunities necessary for young people to succeed both developmentally and academically. The report outlines key ways quality after-school programs can help to overcome critical barriers to learning and support academic achievement and the well-being of children and youth. The report: (1) provides a review of learning theories; (2) explains the features and rationale of the positive youth development approach; (3) provides local and national examples of programs utilizing positive youth development strategies to support youth development and academic achievement; (4) articulates the particular challenges facing Boston in its efforts to build the capacity of after-school programs to promote positive youth development; and (5) offers both short- and long-term recommendations regarding local actions and policy activities. (Focus groups questions are appended. Contains 84 references and 2 Web resources.) (Author/HTH)