The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 redesigned federal job-training programs to create a more comprehensive and accessible public workforce program. This strategy brief explains the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), outlines strategies for leveraging WIA funds, and provides examples of out-of-school time (OST) programs benefiting from WIA support. The report notes that at state and local levels, Workforce Investment Boards create the administrative infrastructure for the WIA, advising governors on developing a statewide workforce system plan. When the U.S. Department of Labor approves the plan, it releases funds to state Workforce Investment Boards, which then distribute funds to more than 600 local Boards. Most OST programs obtain WIA funds through Youth Formula grants, Youth Opportunity grants, or set-aside funds. Local Boards must use a competitive process to distribute funds to service providers. The report highlights ten required services that guide funding decisions: academic enhancement skills, alternative secondary school services, summer employment opportunities, work experience and internships, occupational skills training, leadership development opportunities, support services, adult mentoring, follow-up services for one year following participation, and comprehensive guidance and counseling. OST programs are eligible for WIA youth funds if they serve or hire youth who are between ages 14 and 21, are low-income, and have one of 6 identified employment barriers. The report notes that OST programs can improve funding chances by establishing programs for hard-to-serve older youth, partnering with other organizations that provide some of the 10 required services, collecting data on WIA youth performance measures, and aligning the program mission with WIA goals. Accessing WIA funds is especially recommended to expand academic programming, for community service and leadership development, and for hiring and training staff. (KB)