This research compendium summarizes and reviews the evaluations of 13 out-of-school time programs with positive outcomes for young people. The programs are (1) 4-H; (2) 21st Century Community Learning Centers; (3) The After-School Corporation; (4) Beacons; (5) BELL After School Instructional Curriculum; (6) Big Brothers Big Sisters of America; (7) Boys & Girls Club of America; (8) Cap City; (9) Juvenile Mentoring Program; (10) Los Angeles’s Better Educated Students for Tomorrow; (11) Quantum Opportunities Program; (12) Sacramento START; and (13) Youth Education for Tomorrow. Each evaluation summary includes the following: the design of the evaluation; what entity or entities funded the evaluation; a look at the program site; an overview of the program’s purpose and how it started; demographic information on the population served; data on program costs; cost/benefit data; levels of statistical significance of findings; descriptions of the basic elements or structure of the program; factors that most strongly contribute to the program’s positive results; and contact information. (WFA)