This hearing considers the budget request by the Department of Education for fiscal year 2004 for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program. The request by the Department is for $600 million, a sharp reduction of last year’s appropriation, which was $993 million. This is a program that serves approximately 1,300,000 students in 1,400 communities throughout the United States. It provides a wide variety of educational experiences and has generally been regarded to be a highly effective program until the Department of Education this year has cited what they conclude to be “disappointing initial findings from a rigorous evaluation.” In light of this conclusion, albeit preliminary, the subcommittee concluded that it would be important to have a hearing and go into this issue in some detail. Statements in this hearing are given by: Senator Arlen Specter; Hon. William D. Hansen; Senator Barbara Boxer; Arnold Schwarzenegger; Hon. John DeStefano, Jr.; Harvey Sprafka; Steven Kinlock; and Madison White. (Author/MA)