Covers grants for scholarships, fellowships, research, education, museums and cultural agencies, social services, refugee and immigrant assistance, youth services, legal services, intergroup/race relations, and civil rights, including programs specifically benefiting blacks, Hispanics, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and other ethnic or racial minorities. The listing includes 13,437 grants of $10,000 or more made by 780 foundations, mostly in 2002 and 2003. Prospective grant applicants can access information by foundation name, recipient name, type of support or type of recipient, population group served, subject matter, and state or country of grant recipient. They also can get: (1) statistical data on the year and monetary amount of each grant, the top 15 recipients by highest grant dollar amount, and the top 25 foundations awarding grants in a given subject area; (2) information about the limitations foundations place on their giving, including subject areas, recipient types, and geographic locations; and (3) addresses for the foundations. Prospective grant applicants can use the listing to identify foundations whose recent grants indicate a potential interest in the type of project they are proposing, seem to reward grants in their geographic area, or have made grants in dollar amounts similar to the amount they are seeking.