Guides mentoring program professionals in implementing quality assurance standards in their services. Research has demonstrated that effective mentoring programs reinforce the emotional, social, and physical immune system of youth. Professionals involved in youth-mentoring programs get step-by-step information about putting into place the building blocks necessary for the success of any type of mentoring model: (1) a mission statement and a long range plan; (2) a recruitment statement plan for mentors and mentees; (3) customized orientations for both mentors and mentees; (4) eligibility screening and application processes for mentors and mentees; (5) a training curriculum for all mentors; (6) a strategy for matching mentor and mentee; (7) a monitoring process; (8) relationship closure steps; (9) a mentor support, recognition, and retention component; and (10) an evaluation process. Incorporation of these quality features helps ensure the effectiveness of mentoring programs, which, in turn help children stay in school, choose healthy lifestyles, and avoid problems with violence, substance abuse, and teen parenthood.