Offers guidance to help teenagers face the challenges of impending parenthood, including their own feelings and the reactions of others. Teen parents need to figure out how they will raise their baby, make money to support the child, and juggle work, school, and care of the baby. Teen mothers-to-be are at higher risk than adults for complications during pregnancy and need to consult a health care provider about exercise, diet, medications, and healthy behaviors. Young mothers get information about shouldering a new set of responsibilities; bonding with their infant; recognizing the sequence of child development; communicating with the baby through touch and baby talk; helping the baby feel secure and understanding that a baby is too young to discipline; meeting the range of a baby’s needs and learning how to provide new and interesting experiences to stimulate growth; having fun with the baby; establishing bedtime routines and making choices about feeding options; handling problems such as colic and keeping the baby healthy through regular checkups and immunizations; ensuring the baby’s safety in the house and car, outdoors, and with toys and pets; and seeking support from counselors, other professionals, and other teen parents.