“In 1999 the Programme undertook a comprehensive assessment of the policy, practice and legislation applicable to separated children in 16 Western European countries. The assessments were directly undertaken or commissioned by the 6 Separated Children in Europe: Policies and Practices in European Union Member States: A Comparative Analysis network partners and the findings formed the basis of a comparative analysis of the situation facing separated children in Western Europe prepared by Sandy Ruxton entitled ‘Separated Children Seeking Asylum in Europe: A Programme for Action’ (2000). Subsequently in 2001 a similar process regarding assessment and analysis was followed in relation to the Central European and the Baltic states, see William Spindler ‘The Situation of Separated Children in Central Europe and the Baltic States’ (2001). Save the Children has commissioned this report through the Programme’s NGO steering group. It focuses on what has changed in the law, policy and practice within 14 European Union member states, since the preparation of Ruxton’s ‘A Programme for Action’. Its main source material is a number of updated national assessments within the 14 countries, which examine the reception, and responses to separated children in these states. The format once again takes the form of a comparative analysis. The information was gathered by means of responses to a questionnaire based on the Statement of Good Practice. The level of consultation varied in response to the resources of the partner leading the assessment though it is fair to say that in general primary stakeholders were consulted and the views of separated children, governments, statutory and voluntary sector agencies alike have been reflected in the national assessments.” – Publisher’s description