This handbook is for teachers and administrators involved with international students in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) and mainstream settings. It is intended to raise awareness of the new American classroom. It focuses on how to welcome students, how to make adaptations, and where to locate resources and support information. Section 1, “Reflection,” asks teachers to reflect on their own beliefs and culture and includes (1) “A Look at American Cultural Beliefs” and (2) “A Survey of European, Asian, African, and Central and South American Cultures.” Section 2, “The Role of the School,” emphasizes the role of the school, looking at (3) “Ensuring Success,” (4) “Behavior,” and (5) “Policy.” Section 3, “Tools and Resources,” contains references and ideas for support in the classroom, including (6) “Professional Development Ideas” and (7) “Further Reading and Useful Websites.” The seven appendixes focus on: understanding who one’s students are; reflection questions for teachers and curriculum writers, a sample needs assessment, a survey for teachers of international students, multicultural literature, acronyms, and support organizations. The final section presents an annotated bibliography and supporting references. (SM) (ERIC No. ED474938)