This pamphlet is intended to help educators understand the fundamentals of what the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) Title III means for their educational programs and curricula to help all limited English proficient (LEP) students and immigrant children and youth succeed in learning English and meeting the same challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards expected of every child in the United States. The first section answers questions about key NCLB proficiency requirements (e.g., what is required of LEP students and who is accountable, what Title I says about achievement gaps, when and how English language proficiency is assessed, and the role of parents). The second section presents activities for improving language instruction educational programs under Title III, Part B (program development and enhancement; research, evaluation, and dissemination; professional development; and the Emergency Immigrant Education Program). The third section presents 13 guiding questions for educators (e.g., how the state has identified, developed, or implemented measures of English proficiency standards, performance objectives, and assessments, and the extent to which objectives for raising English proficiency of LEP students is aligned with state standards). (SM) (ERIC No. ED480690)