Provides information about children and young people with disabilities and their living conditions. Prepared by R??dda Barnen (Swedish Save the Children), this booklet can be used as a basis for theoretical discussion and also as a guide to practical action. The 4 sections of the booklet cover background information about children with disabilities, including cultural attitudes toward disabled people and related prejudices, special talents of disabled children, and simple measures that can make life appreciably easier for children with disabilities and their families; opportunities available to disabled children and young people to attend school along with their peers and the importance of focusing on children’s abilities, not their disabilities; the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, other conventions and international treaties, and national political decisions affecting the lives of disabled children; and the problem of neglect and abuse and practical suggestions for efforts atthe local level to improve the situation of children with disabilities and their families. Each section concludes with questions for discussion. Also contains a checklist for action in support of disabled children.