Summarizes the challenges inherent in the repatriation or resettlement of separated minors. Half a million of the world’s refugees are children separated from their parents or caregivers, many of whom languish in refugee camps for years. Using the “best interest determination” (BID) process, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United States have successfully resettled some 3,700 Sudanese unaccompanied children and youth. The BID process needs to be carried out consistently for separated refugee children throughout the world. The process includes analysis of the circumstances of the camp or other location of the child; analysis of options available for that child or population; interviews conducted by child welfare professionals to assess the child’s well-being and wishes; and recommendations on both short-term interim care needs and durable solutions. Although difficult to implement, the ideal priorities for the refugee child are return to parents or customary caregiver and, failing that, placement with appropriate caregivers who can provide stability. Resettlement must be one of the tools available to protect separated refugee children, so that they do not remain wasting their crucial development years in refugee camps.