Describes a risk assessment model used by New York State child protective services (CPS) caseworkers, which supports rational decision making and takes into account the interrelatedness of risk influences and individual aspects of family functioning. This description addresses: (1) the safety assessment, including implementation of immediate interventions to control dangerous situations; (2) examples of conditions or behaviors that potentially are harmful or dangerous; (3) the risk assessment, including evaluation of the likelihood of future abuse or maltreatment; (4) influences and related risk elements grouped by category and ranked by severity, including caretaker’s conduct toward the child such as displays of anger and use of punishment, caretaker’s use of drugs or alcohol, the child’s mental health and development as well as physical development, the presence of domestic violence in the household, unsafe living conditions, availability of social supports, negative family interactions, and patterns of abuse or denial of abuse; and (5) guidelines for assigning risk ratings to cases and for closing cases appropriately. Sample forms for the safety assessment, the risk assessment rankings, and the risk analysis are provided.