Noting that all Americans are stakeholders in the quest to prevent violence in the critical early years, this Digest focuses on preventing violence in children’s lives and suggests ways caregivers, parents, and teachers can reduce the damaging effects of violence. Even before a child is born, violence can have a profound effect upon its life. Studies show that battered pregnant women often deliver low birth-weight babies who are at risk for exhibiting developmental problems. Shaken baby syndrome, the shaking of an infant or child, can be devastating and result in irreversible brain damage, blindness, and even death. Violent children usually come from violent homes, where parents model violence as a means of resolving conflict and handling stress. Even if children are not abused physically themselves, they can suffer psychological trauma, including lack of bonding, from witnessing battering. Research also shows that chronic exposure to violence adversely affects a child’s ability to learn. The relationship between violence and learning is significant because cognitive skills are crucial in terms of academic success, self-esteem, coping skills, and overall resilience. Parents, teachers, and other caregivers can practice specific steps to prevent violent behavior, including the following: (1) give children consistent love and attention; (2) ensure that children are supervised and guided; (3) model appropriate behaviors; (4) do not hit children; and (5) be consistent with rules and discipline. Directors of preschools and child care centers have an opportunity to address violence prevention in early childhood. Violence prevention methods that can make a difference in the lives of parents and young children include the following: (1) offer parenting classes that deal with effective parenting and child development; (2) conduct training for parents, expectant parents, and those who work directly with young children; and (3) provide educational opportunities concerning the prevention of shaken baby syndrome. (LPP) (ERIC No. ED414113)