Provides current information about the refugee situation worldwide as well as the disaster-response and refugee assistance efforts of the Church World Service (CWS). Founded in 1946, CWS is the relief, development, and refugee assistance ministry of 36 Protestant, Orthodox, and Anglican denominations in the United States. A national resettlement agency, CWS collaborates with the Office of Refugee Resettlement and also provides assistance in the U.S. to victims of natural disasters. Its web site contains: (1) descriptions of CWS’s 5 major program areas, covering education and advocacy, emergency response, immigration and refugees, mission relationships, and social and economic development; (2) information about such global issues as HIV/AIDS, landmines, and debt relief and crisis spots such as Iraq, Sudan, and Colombia; (3) details on particular emergency appeals as well as reports on domestic and international events involving natural disasters and human tragedies; (4) facts about refugees and related services; (5) discussion of efforts in sustainable development; (6) information about supporting CWS, through donations, advocacy, or volunteerism; (7) educational materials, including a media guide; and (8) listings of CWS staff, affiliations, and board members as well as summaries of its history and mission and access to its annual report.