Offers a detailed briefing on resettlement issues for professionals facilitating training sessions for resettlement workers. Training facilitators get background information on and sample training exercises addressing: (1) application of the durable solutions module in the resettlement of minors; (2) the principle of family reunification under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) as well as types of family reunification promoted by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR); (3) specific aspects of family reunification cases, including requirements for documentary evidence, refugee status of family members, and travel and financial assistance; (4) protection of unaccompanied and separated children, including guidelines covering situations where family reunification is not possible or not desired; (5) basic rights of children and adolescents, including legal representation and continuity of care; (7) special circumstances, including minors who are under physical threat, minors who are disabled, traumatized, or in need of medical care, and the matter of adoption; and (8) practical considerations in determining the best interests of children and adolescents, including preparing and conducting an interview and working with interpreters. Training facilitators will need to tailor their sessions to the different needs and priorities of senior refugee-assistance managers, program officers, and field staff.