Provides a framework for understanding the situation of refugee children, who have escaped war or oppression only to face an uncertain future. Gives social workers, refugee community groups, teachers, health practitioners, mental health workers, and others the tools for assessing and finding solutions to children’s problems. These children have impressive capacities to overcome difficulties, and while refugees’ needs are complex, much preventive work can be accomplished without special training. Among the topics covered are: (1) the current social situation of refugees; (2) how disruption, losses, and separation as well as adjustment to a new culture affect family relationships and functioning; (3) the factors that influence how children cope with adversity; (4) how the notion of identity changes in the process of adaptation; (5) methods of overcoming language barriers and promoting understanding between refugees and their host community; (6) the pros and cons of working with interpreters; (7) thepivotal role of school; (8) the therapeutic role of creative and recreational activities; and (9) effective techniques for assessing learning difficulties or behavioral problems. Throughout the manual, cases studies illuminate the various topics, and questions at the end of sections can be used for further discussion and training.