The purpose of a clearinghouse is to provide a well-rounded collection of resources on a particular topic, representing the range of available data and perspectives on that topic.
The purpose of a clearinghouse is to provide a well-rounded collection of resources on a particular topic, representing the range of available data and perspectives on that topic. As such, the BRYCS Web site and clearinghouse contain resources authored by others. The views expressed in these resources do not necessarily represent views held by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops/Migration and Refugee Services (USCCB/MRS), the organization managing the BRYCS project.
USCCB/MRS is not responsible for any errors in the material provided on this Web site and shall not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of any material found on this Web site.
The BRYCS Web site includes hyperlinks to sites maintained or controlled by others. USCCB/MRS is not responsible for and does not routinely screen, approve, review, or endorse the contents of or use of any of the products or services that may be offered or linked on any other Web sites.
Nothing contained in this Web site or clearinghouse is intended to provide legal advice. Users of the Web site and clearinghouse are responsible for obtaining legal advice from competent individuals or organizations who are authorized to provide such legal advice.
Portions of the BRYCS Web site were made possible by the the Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Grant 90RB007) as well as the Office of Women’s Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Grant 1 ASTWH160046-01-00). BRYCS is financed 100% through Federal funds. The materials presented are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The resources contained in “Lists of Highlighted Resources” on this Web site are in no particular order, except when they are alphabetized, and have not been prioritized based on any criteria.
Our servers collect and aggregate user information site-wide, including anonymous site statistics such as the number of views of each page. We do not require users to register with us. Instead, we use ‘host level’ tracking to assess traffic patterns: we log domain names and/or IP addresses of visitors. This helps us to determine routes of access to our site, without knowing individual user identities. Analysis of these statistics helps us to better understand how visitors access our site, and helps us to improve the way we present information to our users.
Under certain circumstances, we give users the option of providing us with names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, and other information. This information is gathered only with users’ knowing and active permission and participation.
On the Promising Practices page, users have the option of submitting information for inclusion in the clearinghouse collection. In such cases, users should submit their information as they want it to appear to the public through the clearinghouse. Such information will only be made publicly accessible if users also submit a permission form. BRYCS does reserve the right to edit such submissions. All photos found on BRYCS site have also been submitted along with permission forms.
We will not provide user email addresses or other information to commercial marketers.
The BRYCS Web site does not use any cookies that are automatically written to your computer’s hard drive or retained by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops/Migration and Refugee Services (USCCB/MRS) or our vendors.
For more information, please see USCCB’s Privacy Policy and Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice.
Bridging Refugee Youth and Children’s Services (BRYCS) has received a number of requests for permission to translate and distribute our illustrated parenting handbooks, including 1) Raising Children in a New Country: An Illustrated Handbook, 2) Raising Young Children in a New Country: Supporting Early Learning and Healthy Development and 3) Raising Teens in a New Country: A Guide for the Whole Family. Please recognize that BRYCS cannot put its name on anything that has not been reviewed by BRYCS staff for content and quality. Our future plans include applying for foundation funding to support additional translations into the most common refugee languages as well as to work with local and state governments to produce versions appropriate to their areas. In the meantime, if you are considering translating these books, follow the guidelines below.
Refugee Resettlement Agencies, Nonprofit Organizations, and Community-based Organizations
You may translate these books, but keep the printed translation separate from the actual book, as its own packet. Do not bind, glue, staple, etc. your translation to the actual book. In addition, you must include this example cover sheet that BRYCS has created for this purpose. Adult learners will need to look at the book and the translated packet side-by-side. Service providers and teachers may prefer to review the book with a client or class of students and verbally interpret the content.
Permission from United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB):
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is the copyright owner of . USCCB grants to (a) refugee resettlement agencies, (b) nonprofit organizations which work directly with such agencies and (c) community-based organizations furthering integration into United States society, a limited license to create translations, and reproduce and distribute those translations only in print in the United States for a period ending on January 1, 2019, and such translations must clearly state in prominent writing on the front cover of the translation that USCCB is not responsible for the translation, does not necessarily endorse the translation, and is the copyright owner of . Notwithstanding this permission, USCCB retains the copyright in . This limited permission does not extend to any commercial organization or any organization with a commercial purpose, or to any local, state or federal governmental agency (except for public schools).
Local, State, or Federal Governmental Agencies (this includes public child welfare agencies)
We are interested in working with you; please contact Bridging Refugee Youth and Children’s Services (BRYCS) at or (888) 572-6500. We will put you in touch with USCCB’s Office of General Counsel to discuss translation options. A signed agreement with parameters will be required.
Assisting with Translations
We have received many offers to assist with translations. We appreciate your willingness to help! If you have already translated our book or are planning to, please send a copy of your version of the translation to or to 3211 Fourth Street, NE, Washington, DC 20017.
Bridging Refugee Youth and Children’s Services (BRYCS) would like to thank the following for making this Web site possible:
- The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops/Migration and Refugee Services (USCCB/MRS), the organization managing BRYCS
- USCCB’s Digital Media Department and their vendor, Studio Two, for the design, programming, and hosting of the site
- BRYCS Staff for the content and maintenance of the site
- The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and the Office of Women’s Health for their support
- The many organizations and individuals who have supplied program descriptions, resources, images, and information used on this site, as well as those who have contributed their ideas for the development and improvement of the site
- Columbia Creative Services of Columbia, MD for the design of the BRYCS logo